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General Information

USDA underwritten food service is available at all campuses in the Assumption system.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to check on the income limits for free/reduced lunch by contacting Joe Anne Cephas, director of food service at 715-422-0922 or

2024-2025 Prices

OLQH/ SVDP- Breakfast $2.20     Lunch $3.15

MHS/ AHS-     Breakfast $2.70     Lunch $3.30

Adult-              Breakfast $3.15     Lunch $4.65

Milk - $0.50                                      Juice -$0.60

Extra Entrée (Assumption)- $1.90                            Extra Fruit (Assumption)- $0.50

The meals include: protein, grain, fruit, vegetable, and milk when offered. Reminder, if your child wants a second of anything it is full price. Offer-vs.-Serve (selecting 3 out of the 5 with fruit or vegetable as one of the choices) is still an option for all grades except 4K. Afterschool snacks are still free, but both food items must be taken

Food Service Payment Policy ACS P4300.4

It is the policy of Assumption Catholic Schools that parents/guardians prefund their lunch accounts. There is no set amount for the prefunding but it is suggested that a minimum of $50 per student be deposited.  Monthly charges will be posted to the family lunch account for all meals served to the students during the preceding month.  If the balance is below $20 it is requested that additional funds be deposited into the lunch account.  In the event a family’s balance falls below $5 during the month a statement will be sent, and additional funds should be deposited.

Families are encouraged to apply for the USDA free and reduced meal program at the beginning of the school year or when your financial situation changes.  Contact the Food Service Director for an application

No student at Assumption Catholic Schools will be denied the regular breakfast or lunch service due to account status. These students will not be allowed to have seconds or extra portions.

Families who are unable to make monthly payments into the lunch account and who do not qualify for the USDA program, may apply to the Feed My Sheep fund for temporary assistance on balances in arrears – contact the Finance Office for information.

All lunch balances must be settled in full by June 1 of the current school year or arrangements made for a payment plan.



Catholic Schools