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Mission and Vision:

Mission:  To inspire excellence and personal growth grounded in Catholic principles and tradition.

Vision:  A community of academic excellence, Catholic in spirit and culture, nurturing integrity and respect.

Standards of Excellence & Growth

Demonstrates a strong faith and love of God through prayer.
Supports the mission of the Catholic Church.
Possesses principles of integrity including honesty, patience, fortitude, generosity, and self-control.
Recognizes and fulfills responsibility to community, society, and the world.
Affirms principles of loyalty, commitment, sacrifice, and trust.
Recognizes and respects the dignity and achievement of others.
Models Christian standards of ethical behavior in the workplace including charity toward others, respect for authority, pride in achievement, and the ability to be an effective team member.
Demonstrates an appreciation of the arts and other cultural achievements.
Exhibits leadership skills.
Formulates and effectively pursues worthwhile goals founded on the discernment of personal vocation.
Displays practical life skills, competency in math, writing skills, reading comprehension, scientific reasoning, use of technology, and research skills.
Develops habits of lifelong learning and employs critical and creative thinking as well as organizational skills.

Shamrock Shenani