04/06/2018 OLQH Newsletter
Dear Families,
Happy Easter! It was so good to see all the students on Wednesday; the halls are alive once again with the sounds of little voices and laughter. If you or anyone you know has a child who will be entering kindergarten next fall please feel free to bring them in for a visit on a Friday morning. The children and their parent or accompanying adult participate in the kindergarten class from 10:00 to 11:00, play outside with their new friends, and then enjoy lunch with them in the cafeteria. For more information, please call the school office at 715 422 0980. We can also arrange for older children to visit 1st or 2nd grade classrooms.
Have a good weekend and remember Spring is coming soon!
Peace and grace to your family,
Mrs. Becky Gudelis
Read the full newsletter here: 2018 04 06 Newsletter